How do I view an individual student’s profile?

Learn how to view the profile of each student in your class.

Teachers can view an individual student’s profile from Students page.

  1. From the dashboard, click on Students in the top navigation bar to view a list of students in your class.
  2. Click on the student's name to view their profile.

In the student profile you are able to:

  1. View QR code for the student by clicking on the View QR Code button.
  2. Login into the student account by clicking on the Login As button.
  3. View the individual student graph to see their responses to the Emotion Check-in over time
  4. View the badges awarded to the student in the Badges section and award a badge to the student by clicking on the Award Badge button.
  5. View a student's journal entries by navigating to the Journal Entries section and click on the journal entry you would like to view.
    1. Note: These journal entries are not assessable. The free standing journal is a space for students to reflect on topics covered in their Life Skills classes or for them to express their ideas outside of the lesson.