How do I use the Emotion Check-in?

The Emotion Check-in is a practice that helps students reflect on their emotions, to better understand how they are feeling.

The Emotion Check-in is run by default at the start of each lesson. You are also able to run a Class Check-in to gain rapid insight into your class' wellbeing or a Prepare for Learning activity to help bring your students into a state where they are ready to learn. 

Running a whole class check-in

On an interactive whiteboard or other classroom devices, click the Class Check-in button on the dashboard to bring up a list of your students. Each student can click on their name and respond with how they're feeling. Student responses will be recorded against their name in the Emotion Check-in History

Running a Prepare for Learning Activity

A Prepare for Learning Activity lets you check in with your students in moments without needing to login on individual devices. It can be used on an interactive whiteboard as a whole class, or with a single student.

To track results against a particular student, please ensure that your students have been added to the class.

  1. From the dashboard, click the Prepare for Learning button.
  2. Respond to the first question by selecting a category (the top 5 icons) and then clicking on the emotion that best represents how the student(s) are feeling.
  3. The student(s) will receive a targeted mindfulness activity, followed by a second question asking how they are feeling now. 
  4. Once complete, the Assign to Student dropdown can be used to track the results against a specific student. This is useful for tracking a student's wellbeing over time, and will appear in the Emotion Check-in History.

Viewing your students' Emotion Check-in responses

Your class's responses to the Emotion Check-in can be viewed on the Dashboard or in the Emotion Check-in page. To see the class history, you can use the filters to select a custom date range.