How do I create a new journal entry?

The journal is a great place for you to explore concepts covered in your Life Skills lessons, or a space for you to express your creativity. 

To create a new journal entry;

  1. Go to
  2. Login using either a username and password or a QR code.
    1. If you do not know how to login to the student platform, please visit either How do I login with my username and password? or How do I login with a QR code?
  3. Navigate to Quiet Place / Journal
  4. Under Journal, you are able to view past entries or create new ones. 
    1. Please note that journal entries can be reviewed by your class teacher(s).
  5. Underneath your past journal entries, click New Journal Entry to create a new journal page. 

Using the Journal

There are several tools that you can use in your journal.

  • The Drag Tool: Drag, resize and rotate the stickers or drawings on the canvas. Pressing the delete key while the stickers or drawing is selected will erase it. 
  • The Text Tool: Allows you to type in the text box at the top of the canvas. 
  • The Pencil Tool: Allows you to draw on the canvas.
  • The Zoom Function: Click and drag the blue circle to zoom the canvas in and out. 
  • The Pencil Size Tool: Allows you to resize your pen tip 
  • The Colour Picker: Choose a different colour or select the icon at the end to use the eraser tool.
  • The Stickers: Click or drag the stickers onto the canvas.
  • The Delete Tool: Select this tool and click on a sticker or drawing to erase it from the canvas.

Don't forget to save your journal entry before clicking back to return to your profile.