What do I do if videos are not playing?

Provide these steps below to your school's ICT department to allow Vimeo videos to be played.

  1. Add vimeocdn.com, vimeo.com/api, player.vimeo.com as Allowed Referrers

  2. Ensure your web filter allows secure (encrypted) requests from vimeo.com

Please note that the above steps will still block students from accessing vimeo.com directly and only allows them to access the Life Skills GO embedded videos.


If the above steps do not resolve the issue, try lodging a ticket with the Department of Education. 

1. Lodge a ticket with the type Website Filtering > Allow a URL

2. Include the exact URL in the ticket www.vimeo.com

3. Ensure a reason is provided. "The Life Skills GO platform that is delivering [INSERT SCHOOL NAME]'s SEL content is being blocked for student permissions when trying to access the videos that are part of the lesson content".


If your system administrator is not able to resolve the issue, please make us aware on: 1300 908 051, or support@lifeskillsgroup.com.au