How do I change my class check-in settings?

Learn how to configure and customise your class check-in


To configure your class check-in preferences:

  1. Navigate to the Class Dashboard from your top navigation bar
  2. Click the Check-in settings button on the daily summary card to pull up the settings for that class

The settings:

  • Appearance (Mode): Update the style of the check-in.
    • Foundation for Emotional Literacy: 6 core emotions to build a fundamental understanding of how to identifying emotions
    • Weather Report: Develop emotional literacy by using emoticons to represent the different emotions in the check-in. The number of emotions presented to students is dependant on their grade.
    • Character Illustrations: Help students recognise the facial expression and body language of different emotions using illustrated characters in the check-in. The number of emotions presented to students is dependant on their grade.

  •  Ask students to provide context to their check-in response:  After students identify how they are feeling, enable this option on to gather information on why students may be feeling that way.
    • When a student is logged in: When enabled, students will be asked to provide additional context to their check-in response when they are logged into an individual device.
    • In the Class Check-in: When enabled, students will be asked to provide additional context to their check-in response during a whole class check-in. e.g the interactive whiteboard
  •  Include a check-in during digital lessons: When enabled, students will be asked to complete a check-in as part of their Life Skills GO digital lessons.