Can I set my student up in two separate classes?

Learn about setting one student up in two or more classes.

Yes, you can have one student in multiple classes. 

First you will need two separate classes to add your students to. See this guide if you need help setting up a class.

Students are added to your school database when you first register them with Life Skills GO.

To add a student to your class:

  1. Click on Students in the top navigation bar. 
  2. Navigate to the Add / Remove Students button to bring up a list of students in the school. 
  3. Find the students you want to add by searching the school list or filter the list by grade. 
  4. Select the student in the list and press the plus button.
  5. Once you are happy with your class setup, click the Update Class button to confirm your new student list. 
  6. Your student will now have classes to pick from in their student dashboard. Make sure they are in the correct class by selecting it from the dropdown menu on their student platform.